Revolution of Hope on Lawyers Mall in Annapolis

On Monday, April 8th, the Camp Opportunity team embarked on a meaningful journey to Annapolis, the heart of Maryland's legislative hub. With a mission to raise awareness about child abuse prevention, our dedicated volunteers and staff stood tall on Lawyers Mall, armed with blue pinwheels as symbols of hope and solidarity.

As the final day of the General Assembly unfolded, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation and activity. Amidst the hustle and bustle, we stood resolute, our blue pinwheels catching the eye of passersby and legislators alike. Each pinwheel represented our unwavering commitment to protecting the most vulnerable among us—our children.

The response from those entering the State House was heartwarming. Gratitude flowed freely as legislators and visitors expressed appreciation for our presence and cause. Many eagerly accepted our pinwheels, carrying them into the chambers as tangible symbols of their support for child abuse prevention.

Witnessing our pinwheels on the House floor was a poignant reminder of the power of collective action. Each pinwheel served as a beacon of hope, a silent yet impactful advocate for the rights and safety of children across Maryland.

As we finished up in Annapolis that day, we departed with hearts full of gratitude and determination. Our presence at Lawyers Mall was not merely symbolic—it was a tangible expression of our unwavering commitment to creating a safer, brighter future for all children.

Together, we stand strong. Together, we advocate for change. Together, we plant the seeds of hope—one pinwheel at a time.


Celebrating Denise Koch.